Meetu and the Aquarium

A young boy named Meetu lived in a small town. He loved fishes a lot. He always felt attracted by the bright colours of fish. One night he was enjoying his favourite program on a TV channel. He father noticed that he was clapping and giggling whenever a bright coloured fish appeared on screen.
After a few days on his birthday, Meetu’s father gifted him with an aquarium. He also brought three golden and two silver coloured fish along with the aquarium. Meetu was overjoyed and he called all his friends and showed them his new aquarium. Before going to bed, his father told him to feed the fish regularly.
Meetu was a very lazy and careless boy. Next morning he forgot to feed the fish. In the evening when he came back from school, he went out to play with his friends. He forgot to feed the fish again. Meetu was very irregular in giving food to the fish. Few days passed like this. One morning when Meetu woke up, he did not find any fish in the aquarium.
He screamed and ran upto his father, “Where are my fish? I love them so much” “If your love them, why didn’t you feed them” his father replied. “They must have got annoyed, like you. Don’t you feel annoyed when you don’t get your favourite rasgulla.” his father further added. “I am sure they must have left while you were sleeping”
Meetu was surprised but he was also feeling guilty. “Oh yes………I can realize my mistake. Please forgive me. Only you can bring them back Papa. Please, please………………….you know how much I love those fish.” Meetu requested his father with folded hands. “OK. Go and get ready for your school. I will bring them back once you return from your school.” Meetu hugged his father. Meetu was feeling relaxed and he got ready for school. Before leaving for school, he kissed his father. Once he left for his school, Meetu’s father brought out the glass jar from the kitchen, where he had kept those fish.
Once Meetu returned from school, he felt very happy to see the fish in the aquarium. He changed his clothes and before he picked up his glass of milk, he dropped the food for the fish. He had now learnt a very important lesson.


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